Gallery and Studio at

Fjellstadvegen 8, Hafjell

The gallery and studio space «Atelier Vidsyn» is located at Fjellstadveien 8, Øyer. The gallery is aproximately 650 sq feet in size. Thor-Arne’s paintings are exhibited in the gallery immediately upon completion.  Occasionally you can find new pieces in the gallery that are yet to be added to the online gallery and our social media platforms.

We strive to update our website regularly with new paintings as well as info on where they can be viewed in person. If you are drawn to a particular painting and wish to get a closer look, private viewings are available upon request. The gallery is accessible for wheelchair-users through a ramp directly from the driveway into the gallery on the 1st floor. You will be met with atmospheric music and a good cup of coffee for an informal and friendly chat. We are available also outside of our opening hours upon request – please feel free to get in touch. Private viewings are completely non-binding. The opening hours are updated regularly and can be found on Google and Facebook and will vary throughout the year depending on external exhibitions. If you wish to see what a specific painting looks like on your walls, and you live in a not-too-distant proximity to the gallery – we offer to bring the painting to you.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to meeting you!



Gallery and Studio at Fjellstadvegen 8, Hafjell

The gallery and studio space «Atelier Vidsyn» is located at Fjellstadveien 8, Øyer. The gallery is aproximately 650 sq feet in size. Thor-Arne’s paintings are exhibited in the gallery immediately upon completion.  Occasionally you can find new pieces in the gallery that are yet to be added to the online gallery and our social media platforms.

We strive to update our website regularly with new paintings as well as info on where they can be viewed in person. If you are drawn to a particular painting and wish to get a closer look, private viewings are available upon request. The gallery is accessible for wheelchair-users through a ramp directly from the driveway into the gallery on the 1st floor. You will be met with atmospheric music and a good cup of coffee for an informal and friendly chat. We are available also outside of our opening hours upon request – please feel free to get in touch. Private viewings are completely non-binding. The opening hours are updated regularly and can be found on Google and Facebook and will vary throughout the year depending on external exhibitions. If you wish to see what a specific painting looks like on your walls, and you live in a not-too-distant proximity to the gallery – we offer to bring the painting to you.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to meeting you!